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venerdì, Maggio 3, 2024

Proverbio: Aprile fa il fiore e maggio si ha il colore

Grass trimmer: add elegance and style to your garden

Milan, 27 giugno 2022 – No matter how overgrown the garden and lawns are, you can easily put them in order by buying a good grass trimmer. What’s more, you can add elegance and style to your landscaping and make your garden look like no other. The UK PlanetTools online store offers a wide selection of trimmers from leading manufacturers of power tools, including Milwaukee, DeWalt, and Makita DUR181Z.

What Can Be Done with an Electric Garden Trimmer

The grass trimmer is intended not only for regular mowing of well-groomed lawns. It can handle a lot more:

●        Remove thickets of weeds, which grow intensively in late spring and the first month of summer.

●        Trim bushes carefully.

●        Give a decorative look to your lawns.

●        Get to the grass under the fence.

●        Cut grass near tree trunks without damaging them.

Characteristics of Modern Cordless Garden Trimmer

Scientific and technological progress has left far behind the days when hand scythes or even uncomfortable corded trimmers were used to care for the grass. Now, when buying a garden trimmer in the UK PlanetTools online store, you can benefit from the following:

●        Independence from the power supply thanks to Li-Ion batteries that can work without recharging for four hours.

●        Compactness and ease of use thanks to the energy-efficient design of the trimmer

●        Three different speed modes that allow you to perform both routine work and activities that require increased attention and accuracy.

●        Reverse gear that gives the possibility to work without interruption for the procedure of clearing stuck grass in the trimmer. When caring for a garden with a trimmer, you give it much more than a neat shape. By eliminating weeds in time and with ease, you allow cultivated plants to direct all their energy to growth, flowering, and fruiting rather than to the struggle for survival. Thanks to a garden grass trimmer, you can carefully and safely remove unwanted grass, leaving cultivated plants safe and intact.

L. M.



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